Route of Cabo de Gata- Níjar.
The Natural Park of Cabo de Gata- Níjar is a fabulous natural space to enjoy hiking or sports in contact with nature, with semi-desert landscapes, dunas, flora and stunning dream beaches.
The area has a wealth of historical and cultural interest in which we can see the famous Huebro mills that were transcendental in the region in other times of life.
What's more, we can find the Cortijo del Fraile, a place historically recognized by appearing in the work of one of the most emblematic poets of Andalusia, Federico Garcia Lorca.
1.The Escullos
2. The Isleta del Moro
3. Battery of San Felipe
4. The Well of the Friars
5. Cortijada of the Doors
6. Ave Maria Hill
7. Morrón de los Genoveses
8. Requena Trail
9. Rodalquilar Valley
10.Cerro del Cinto

Escullos Trail- Isleta del Moro
The starting point chosen to know the route of Cabo de Gata will be the path between The Escullos (1) and the Isleta del Moro (2)
The coastal section between the two points is approximately one kilometer and a half in an easy route to do.. Here we will meet the immense nature between the steppe and the sea. During the tour we will come across the battery of San Felipe (3) which is advised to visit for its history.
This stage of the trail will last approximately 40 minutes between cliffs, vegetation and beaches.
Direction: Scattered the Sculptures, 11, 04118, Almeria

El Pozo de los Frailes Trail
We will continue our path towards The Well of the Friars (4) along the interior of the coast and at the foot of the volcanic domes of Cerro del Fraile, in which we will find volcanoes formed eight million years ago under the sea and that today represent the highest level of the Cabo de Gata mountain range.
It has biological attraction of flora and fauna around its route full of historical and cultural heritage.
On the path of the path we will find a crossroads that will guide us towards the Cortijada of the Doors (5) and El Pozo de los Frailes where this trail ends

Los Genoveses Trail
This trail runs along the beach from north to south, from the Ave Maria hill (6) until the Morrón de los Genoveses (7) in which we will observe the beautiful views of the coast.
We will walk, At first, on the path that leads us to the beach. After a crossing, We will enter a path of rows of pines where we can contemplate the fauna and flora that the nature of the park offers us.
It is advisable to finish in the Morrón de los Genoveses to observe the route that we have taken and contemplate the marine and vegetable reserves of Cabo de Gata.

Requena Trail
We will finish the route through the park natural from Cabo de Gata in the Requena trail (8).
Among its biodiversity, landscapes and natural resources, We will walk along the last path to finish getting to know the area of the natural park. This trail offers a variety of views over the park, its diverse flora and fauna between roads and forests.
What's more, we can enjoy the beautiful views of the Rodalquilar valley (9) and the Almeria coast or the volcanic domes and mining operations of the Cerro del Cinto (10).
The end of the tour will be on one of the coolest and wettest paths in the park before reaching the Requena farmhouse where a rectangular cistern awaits us..